Usage examples

Generate, play back, save and delete a generated audio

from elevenlabslib import *
from elevenlabslib.helpers import play_audio_v2
user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

# Generate the audio and get the bytes and historyID. 
# The GenerationOptions specified here only apply for this generation.
audio_future, generation_info_future = voice.generate_audio_v3("This is a test.", GenerationOptions(stability=0.4))
generation_info = generation_info_future.result()
audio_data = audio_future.result()
# Play it back

# Save it to disk, in ogg format (can be any format supported by SoundFile)
save_audio_v2(audio_data, "testAudio.ogg", outputFormat="ogg")

# Fetch the corresponding historyItem
historyItem = user.get_history_item(generation_info.history_item_id)

# Delete it

Speech to speech on a long file (eg, an audiobook)

from elevenlabslib import *
from elevenlabslib.helpers import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]
source_audio_file = open(r"C:\your\audio\file.mp3", "rb")

converted_audio = sts_long_audio(source_audio_file, voice)

save_audio_v2(converted_audio, r"C:\your\output\location.mp3", "mp3")

Projects Listing and converting

from elevenlabslib import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
projects = user.get_projects()
for project in projects:
    chapters = project.get_chapters()   #Get the project's chapters
    for chapter in chapters:
        chapter_snapshots = chapter.get_snapshots() #Get the chapter's snapshots (audio versions)
        if not chapter.conversion_progress and len(chapter_snapshots) == 0:
            print("Chapter has no snapshots and isn't being converted, converting...")

Speech to speech

from elevenlabslib import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

generation_options = GenerationOptions(model_id="eleven_english_sts_v2", stability=0.2)

source_audio_file = open(r"C:\your\audio\file.mp3", "rb")
#sorce_audio can also be bytes, to allow you to pass input from a microphone:
source_audio_bytes =

voice.stream_audio_v3(source_audio_file, generation_options=generation_options)
voice.stream_audio_v3(source_audio_bytes, generation_options=generation_options)

Search the voice library and add a voice to your account

from elevenlabslib import *
from elevenlabslib.helpers import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
#Filter by the characteristics of the speaker
voice_filter = LibVoiceInfo(category=LibCategory.PROFESSIONAL, gender=LibGender.MALE, age=LibAge.YOUNG,
                            accent=LibAccent.AMERICAN, language="en")

#Get the 10th-15th voices fitting the above criteria (may be less than 5 if there aren't enough)
libvoices = user.search_voice_library(query_page_size=5, starting_page=2, advanced_filters=voice_filter)

#Add one of them to your account.
user.add_shared_voice(libvoices[0], "Test Add!")

Apply effects to audio as it’s being played back

from elevenlabslib import *
import numpy

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

#For this example, we turn up the gain by 5x.
def increase_gain(audio_chunk, sample_rate):
    return numpy.clip(audio_chunk * 5, -1.0, 1.0)

voice.stream_audio_v3("This audio will have its volume increased.",

Use ReusableInputStreamer for lower latency websocket streaming

import threading
from elevenlabslib import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

text = "This is simply a test text used for websockets."

def write():
    yield text

# ReusableInputStreamer takes care of keeping an active websocket connection, ensuring there is always one ready for use.
# This cuts down on the latency loss due to websockets, as the connection is already prepared beforehand.
input_streamer = ReusableInputStreamer(voice)
playback_done_event = threading.Event()
                           playbackOptions=PlaybackOptions(runInBackground=True, onPlaybackEnd=playback_done_event.set))

#Wait for the second playback to end.

# Has to be closed for the code to exit.

Use prompting to add emotion

from elevenlabslib import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]
#Low stability makes prompting more effective.
generation_options = GenerationOptions(stability=0.1)
prompting_options = PromptingOptions(post_prompt="she shouted angrily.")

#The spoken audio will only contain chosen text, and will cut out the pre/post prompt.
voice.stream_audio_v3("I've had enough!", generation_options=generation_options,

Advanced websocket features: Control amount of buffering and force flush on a specific chunk

from elevenlabslib import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

texts = ["This is a test audio for websockets.", "This is just meant to showcase how it works.", "Like this.",
         "This will behave the same as having an LLM generate text."]

def write():
    for text in texts:
        yield {"text": text, "try_trigger_generation": False, "flush": texts.index(text) == 2}

#This is the worst-case scenario for speed/latency, multilingual v2 with style enabled.
generation_options = GenerationOptions(model="eleven_multilingual_v2", style=0.2)

#The library takes care of setting these values by default, I'm only overwriting them here to show them.
websocket_options = WebsocketOptions(chunk_length_schedule=[125],

#This will now work without stuttering, but it will add some extra latency before playback begins.

Force the pronunciation of a word

from elevenlabslib import *

user = User("YOUR_API_KEY")
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

#This means 'test' will be pronounced as 'tomato'.
forced_pronunciations = {
            "alphabet": "ipa",
            "pronunciation": "təˈmeɪtoʊ"

voice.stream_audio_v3("This is a test. Both instances of test will be pronounced as tomato.",

Generate audio in PCM format

from elevenlabslib import *

api_key = "api_key"
user = User(api_key)
premadeVoice = user.get_voices_by_name_v2("Rachel")[0]

#pcm_highest (and mp3_highest) will automatically select the highest quality available to your account.
audioData = premadeVoice.generate_audio_v3("This is a test.", GenerationOptions(output_format="pcm_highest"))

Use the Synthesizer utility class to manage playback

from elevenlabslib import *

api_key = "api_key"
user = User(api_key)
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

#The synthesizer will manage streaming all the audio and playing it back in order.
#The onPlaybackStart and onPlaybackEnd parameters set here will be run for every audio.
playbackOptions = PlaybackOptions(onPlaybackStart=lambda: print("Playback Start"),
                                  onPlaybackEnd=lambda: print("Playback End"))
synthesizer = Synthesizer(defaultPlaybackOptions=playbackOptions)
for i in range(10):
    print(f"Loop {i}")
    if i != 6:
        synthesizer.add_to_queue(voice, f"This is test {i}.")
        #You can override both GenerationOptions and PlaybackOptions on any generation
        synthesizer.add_to_queue(voice, f"This is test {i}.", GenerationOptions(stability=0),
                                 PlaybackOptions(onPlaybackStart=lambda: print("Stability 0 Start"),
                                                 onPlaybackEnd=lambda: print("Stability 0 End")))

input("We're past the for loop already. Hit enter when you'd like to stop the playback.\n")

Use input streaming with the OpenAI API

Adapted from this example using the official wrapper.

from elevenlabslib import *
import openai

client = openai.Client(api_key="your_openai_key_here")
#Using an AsyncClient is also supported - the library will handle the resulting async_generator.
user = User("your_elevenlabs_api_key")

def write(prompt: str):
    for chunk in
            messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],
        # Extract the content from the chunk if available
        content = chunk.choices[0].delta.content
        finish_reason = chunk.choices[0].finish_reason
        if content:
            yield content
        if finish_reason is not None and finish_reason == 'stop':

# Generate a text stream
text_stream = write("Give me a five sentence response.")

# Pick a voice
voice = user.get_available_voices()[0]

# Stream the audio
# Note: The last parameter will be None due to the API not giving websocket generations a historyID
audio_queue, transcript_queue, audio_stream_future, _ = voice.stream_audio_v3(
    text_stream, PlaybackOptions(runInBackground=False),
    WebsocketOptions(try_trigger_generation=True, chunk_length_schedule=[50])

Control the background playback of an audio

import time
from elevenlabslib import *
from elevenlabslib.helpers import play_audio_v2

voice = User("api_key").get_available_voices()[0]
usingStreaming = True

if usingStreaming:
    #The stream function uses a future rather than returing the audioStream directly.
    _, _, audioStreamFuture, _ = voice.stream_audio_v3("I am currently testing the playback control.",
    audioStream = audioStreamFuture.result()
    audio_data, _ = voice.generate_audio_v3("I am currently testing the playback control.")[
    audioStream = play_audio_v2(audio_data, PlaybackOptions(runInBackground=True))

#Wait for the thread to be active, then stop the playback.
while not


Play back an audio on a specific output device

from elevenlabslib import *
import sounddevice
import random

api_key = "api_key"
user = User(api_key)
voice = user.get_voices_by_name_v2("Rachel")[0]

#Get all available output devices
outputDevices = [device for device in sounddevice.query_devices() if device["max_output_channels"] > 0]

#Print them all to console
for device in outputDevices:
    print(f"Device id {device['index']}: {device['name']}")

#Choose one (randomly for this example) and use it.
outputDevice = random.choice(outputDevices)
print(f"Randomly chosen device: {outputDevice['name']}")

#WARNING: Since we're choosing it randomly, it may be invalid and cause errors.
voice.stream_audio_v3("Device output test.",
                               PlaybackOptions(runInBackground=False, portaudioDeviceID=outputDevice["index"]))

Check if an audio file was generated with Elevenlabs

from elevenlabslib.helpers import *

filePath = "audioFile.mp3"
audioBytes = open(filePath, "rb").read()

responseDict = run_ai_speech_classifier(audioBytes)
print(f"There's a {responseDict['probability'] * 100}% chance that this audio was AI generated.")

Create and edit a cloned voice

from elevenlabslib import *

api_key = "api_key"
newVoiceName = "newVoice"
user = User(api_key)

    existingVoice = user.get_voices_by_name_v2(newVoiceName)[0]
except IndexError:
    print("Voice doesn't exist, let's create it")
    if not user.get_voice_clone_available():
        print("Sorry, your subscription doesn't allow you to use voice cloning.")
        #Load a sample from a filepath and use it to create the new voice.
        firstSample = r"X:\sample1.mp3"
        newClonedVoice = user.clone_voice_by_path(newVoiceName, firstSample)
        print("New voice:")

        #Add a sample by loading it as bytes.
        secondSample = open(r"X:\sample2.mp3", "rb").read()
            "sample2.mp3": secondSample

Create a voice using Voice Design

from elevenlabslib.helpers import *
from elevenlabslib import *

api_key = "api_key"
newVoiceName = "newVoice"
user = User(api_key)

    #Generate the audio and get the temporary voiceID.
    temporaryVoiceID, generatedAudio = user.design_voice(gender="female", accent="american", age="young",

    #Play back the generated audio.
    play_audio_v2(generatedAudio, PlaybackOptions(runInBackground=False))

    #Add the voice to the account.
    newGeneratedVoice = user.save_designed_voice(temporaryVoiceID, newVoiceName)

except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
    print("Couldn't design voice, likely out of tokens or slots.")

Play back and delete a history item

from elevenlabslib import *
from elevenlabslib.helpers import *

api_key = "api_key"
user = User(api_key)

#Generate two items to be deleted later
premadeVoice = user.get_voices_by_name_v2("Rachel")[0]

#Find them, download them then delete them.
#Note - I'm assuming they're within the last 10 generations, since they were just created.
testItems = list()
for historyItem in user.get_history_items_paginated(maxNumberOfItems=10):
    if historyItem.text == "Test.":

#Download them
downloadedItems = user.download_history_items_v2(testItems)

#Play them back
for historyID, downloadDataTuple in downloadedItems.items():
    play_audio_v2(downloadDataTuple[0], PlaybackOptions(runInBackground=False))

#Delete them
for item in testItems: